Thomas is my gg grandfather.

Finding what happened to the sisters is somewhat more difficult unless I can locate marriage records so I didn't spend a lot of time looking for Susana. I just filed it in my 'to do later' file. While I was researching Thomas I found a census that showed Thomas and his family and noticed that there was a William and Susana Horn that lived very near them. I know that for family to live near is quite common so I started thinking that maybe this Susana Horn was Susana Wilfong. They were born approximately the same time. I couldn't find anything on so I checked on Their search engine lets you put filters on that are easier for me to navigate. I entered a search for anyone with the last name Horn with parents William Horn and Susan (unknown maiden name) with the year range that I thought probable. Up popped several children's birth and marriage records with parents and William Horn and Susan Wilfong! Yes, there was the proof I needed. Marriage and Birth records often provide the mothers maiden name and that was all I was looking for, proof that Susana was a Wilfong before she was a Horn.
Here's the census image referred to above:
Hi distant cousin- I'm a descendant of William Horn and Susan Wilfong. Would be happy to share information with you. If you haven't found all the other info about the Wilfongs that is on the web, I can point you there as well.